Sunday, 3 March 2013

How to time travel through a wormhole

As currently many scientists believe about the existence of wormholes, now some of them even believe that we can use it to travel through the fabric of spacetime.

Wormhole is a tunnel existed in the middle of a massive blackhole. it is very unstable, and can open up suddenly and then closed again in a breif period of time. to make it stable, we need to use negative matter or also known as exotic matter. this matter have anti gravitational properties and believed to be repelled to the edges of our universe that made form ordinary matter.

cover our spaceship in a shield of negative matter and we are good to go. one more thing to consider is radiation going inside and radiating outside from black holes. to overcome this, we need to wait a galactic collision that left their cores (supermasssive black holes) alone without so many matter around it.

our spaceship will use anti matter or nuclear fusion engine that will travel near speed of light to approach the cores. the spaceship also will be covered with force field created from plasma.

when less matter entering black hole, less radiation will be emitted and we can enter it safely.

no one has tried these method yet, but this is just an engineering problem. one day when all of these technology physically created, some of us may enter the wormhole and come back safely to tell about it.

credit: Prof michio kaku.

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